Monday, June 27, 2011

awesome blog!

heyyy peeeps!! please visit:

it has other photography buisness and its just as awesome as this blog :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

please visit this bloggg!!!!!!!!!!!! instead!
c ya there!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Photo Contest - Sun Flare

Hey everyone! So I entered this photography contest online and I have to show how the sun reflects on a person. I chose my cousin Lindsay because when the sun was setting, her eyes dilated and became really brown + I think it looks really neat. :)
The website is: 
Here is the picture of Lindsay:
My question: Do you want any photography contests on this blog? If so, please comment below so that I have an idea of who wants it to happen, because if no one does then theres no point in making it.
Thanks a ton!
peace out! <333

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Postitioning and Placement of a Picture

The angle and place where you take a picture is about 80% of what makes a picture good, so do this well if u want a good picture!
Different things you should think about while taking a picture is: how do you want X to relate to Y? Is this more of a 'text-book' picture or more artsy? Do you want to capture the mere detail and texture of X? What is the angle and positioning of the picture?
* Do you want to show the comparison between two parts of the picture? In the picture above, you can just imagine, how could a person possibly throw a pair of sneakers and make them land on that wire? (if you can't see the picture too well, click on it and it will b bigger).
* Do you want to show the texture of the clouds in the background and the way the sneakers are positioned? This shows the main characteristics of the main object.

* Another relation picture, this relates the sneakers to the house, it doesn't necessarily have to be compared to the ground to show the height of the main object. This style of positioning is my favorite, it is just the right amount of close-up and it shows an interesting relation.

This would be a typical picture you could see in your textbook while you're doing a reading on California and taking notes for this huge project all at 11PM. - to a high schooler that is! :) It is positioned to show all the aspects of the object, in this case the Golden Gate Bridge. It is held straight and it shows all the angles in relation to one another.

This picture, on the other hand, has an interesting perspective, of us driving on the bridge about to cross one of those arches. You most likely won't see this picture in a textbook, so it makes it more artistic. I like both perspectives, because each of them are realy intersting.
There u have it! a mini lesson on positioning a picture! *Look out for your camera when you want to position it a certain way, especially when you are driving and sticking your camera out the window while trying to take a good picture of the Golden Gate Bridge!!
If you want some pictures featured on this blog to show your interesting positioning technique email me at or either one works!! If you also need advice email me and I'll gladly respond!
comment belowwww!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

High saturation/contrast

One of my signature photo-editing techniques is adding high saturation and contrast to a photo. This makes the colors richer and the picture becomes alive with the colors.
If you have Windows 7 on your computer, just click on a picture then on the top left hand side there is a tab that says 'open'. Click that and go to 'Microsoft Office Picture Manager'. Go to the top and click 'edit picture'. To the right it says 'contrast' just move it around and the pictures will become alive. I <3 it so much! Move the 'brightness' switch around too, so the colors could be even. To go to saturation, go to the top right hand corner and click on contrast. 'Color' will be right below it, just click on that and it brings you to saturation. Move that around too so you can change the colors to what you like.
This is a mini-lesson for windows 7, i don't know what its like for macs, but windows vista is similar to windows 7.
Differences between contrast:
Graffiti gives you the best example for contrast. This is just some graffiti right next to Shepard Fairy's work in Boston. Here, the colors are dull.
After contrast:

Here, like I said, the colors come alive and the picture sticks out more. I personally like this one better, what about u?
Using hue, contrast and saturation all alter the colors in a picture, so experiment with those and see what you like. To see more pictures using high contrast, saturation and hue go to:
comment below!!!!!! :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

first pictures on this blog!!

My first pictures on this blog:

My grandma and cousin. I love the lighting in this picture, the sun was setting.

The sun was setting and my eyes dilated. No, my skin isn't orange, i added a higher saturation to show their greeness. :)

In Carmel, California at a missionary. I love these spanish-style houses and churches, they're very pretty and its my style! :) I thought it would look better in black and white.

Sister and cousin swirling around; it makes a great photoshoot!!
Hope you all enjoyed these pictures!! Photo tips + strategies shown in these pics:
*Take pictures when the sun is setting, there is an interesting perspective on the lighting.
*Combination between youth and old-age <--my cousin + grandma picture. It looks more meaningful and has a message.
*high saturation - probably my most favorite photograph -editing technique. The colors become richer and the picture becomes alive. (its better not to do it on ppl because then their skin turns orange)
Follow meee!!!!!!
Comment below too!!
PS to see my full album of pictures (not all of them though!!) the adress is:


hey everyone reading this!
This blog is solely for my photography - one of my favorite hobbies. So if you're a photographer (or anyone for that matter) comment about what you think of my photos!
Quick facts about me + my photography career ;) :
I'm 14
I travel a ton + take pics of everything interesting i see. plz check out
i love to have photoshoots with my friends and siblings.
I take pictures of random things --> such as a tulip in the snow surrounded by icicles(did i spell that right?), a pic of my sister on a rock with the sun in the background and it looks like its spiraling, then i edit the pictures with super high contrast (one of my signature photo moves) and usually cropping and increasing or decreasing the hue to make the picture look better.
along with photography i like to do: running (track), travelling, writing, blogging ;), basketball, playing flute, and volunteering (which im gonna start soon).
Things i like: chocolate, hugs, friends, boys, being lazy, sleeping, summer, my family, the internet, the rain, hot weather, fresh air, the birds singing, not having homework or tests, those deep conversations during sleepovers, the pool, water, ice cream, and the list goes on....
Things i don't like: the dentist, grades, waking up at 6:40AM to go to my double-block science class, mushrooms, asparagus, cold weather, liver, the chicken my mom makes, asparagus soup, mushroom soup :PPP bleh x 100000, and the list goes on......
there u have it. a summary of who i am. creepy stalkers - sorry i won't post anything personal or where i live or what my name is. k?
c yaaa!! wait for pics! :)) <33